Fatwire, SaaS and Web 2.0

In an earlier post about Fatwire, I’d written:

However, I wonder where are the other so called Web 2.0 features like blogs, wikis and so on?

I’d like to believe Fatwire noticed that :). They recently acquired Infostoria, which has offerings in this space. Infostoria also had a SaaS offering called zeegzaag.com offering hosted wikis. It will be interesting to see if Fatwire will integrate its flagship CMS Content Server as a hosted service using this new acquired platform?

One of the requirements for internal enterprise applications like Intranets is the capability to define workgroups (or spaces) where employees can collaborate, share and in general do light weight document management activities. Fatwire did not have any capabilities in this space and in document management but with this acquisition, it gets these capabilities as well.

Off course, how good the end result is obviously depends on when and how they integrate different products and what they do with overlapping functionality?

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